Sigma Beta Rho | George Mason University Colony

Be part of something great

Fall 2015
Rush Schedule

Applications Due: Wednesday, September 30th @ 11p.m.

Tabling Event

JC Kiosk D

Why rush Sigma Beta Rho?

Personal Growth

Professional individual icon
Training leaders for the future
Sigma Beta Rho trains and develops leaders for the next generation. Our exlusive network and mentoring give you the edge in development, and how to succeed. We teach you what it takes to organize your time, excel academically, and develop into an integral member of any community. Once you become a part of Sigma Beta Rho, failure is no longer an option.

Academic Excellence

Graduation cap icon
Achieving in and out of the classroom
One of the main concerns of Sigma Beta Rho is excelling in academics. We work together to help ensure academic excellence through the institution of group study sessions, tutoring, and the instilling of time management skills.

The Magic of Alumni

Handshake icon
Gaining an advantage in the job market
Elusive jobs require those with exceptional skills. Our brothers are there; ready to help you reach your career options and train you. Through our guidance, mentoring, and support network, you will have the proverbial upper hand.

Cultural Diversity

Multiculturalism icon
Cultivating a global leadership network
Sigma Beta Rho is one of the premier national fraternities in the country. The Brothers of Sigma Beta Rho come from every creed, ethnic background, and culture. Our Brothers are diverse racially, religiously, culturally, and psychologically.
Sigma Beta Rho National Rush video


Sigma Beta Rho National Rush video

What is "Rush"?

Rush is a period where we share what our fraternity has to offer its members. Through Rush, we hope to recruit potential new brothers who support our values and share our vision of making an impact in our school and communities. We have arranged several events that give rushes an opportunity to meet the current members and learn more about the brotherhood. There is absolutely no commitment to join and best of all, the events are free!

What is new member education and how long will it take?

More than anything else, new member education is a learning period. During this period, a new member or an aspirant learns about the values, ideals, history, and traditions of Sigma Beta Rho. Most importantly, during this period all aspirants get acquainted with the brothers of the fraternity and vice versa. A new member educator is assigned to each new member class and leads them through this learning process. The new member educator will be interacting with the aspirants very closely during this period and would act as the judge of the successful completion of new member education program. There is no pre-determined time period for the successful completion of the new member education program.

Will I be hazed?

No! Sigma Beta Rho is a strictly non-hazing organization. Our constitution strictly forbids brothers from hazing aspirants. Any hazing incident would result in immediate expulsion of the member from Sigma Beta Rho.

How much will it cost to become a new member?

Sigma Beta Rho does not charge a fee to participate in the new member education program. Upon successful completion of the new member education program, all active brothers pay dues each semester. These dues go towards funding chapter events and to our national philanthropy, S.O.S. Childrens Villages.

If I work or am taking classes, will I be able to have time for new member education?

One of the fundamental virtues of any successful individual is the ability to manage his or her time most efficiently. Efficient time management is one of the key elements stressed during the new member education period. We understand that many people have obligations besides the fraternity. We honor those obligations and will make every attempt to accommodate your schedule. However, it is for you to ultimately decide how you want to manage your time. You will find that Sigma Beta Rho is very flexible with respect to school work and/or jobs.